

You treat the patients,

we processes.

You treat the patients,

we processes.


Each of us sooner or later becomes a patient. Queues to doctors and long waits for tests
are, unfortunately, an inherent part of health care. However, these inconveniences provide an excellent opportunity
for reflection and observation, which is the essence of process improvement.

We all know how much time is spent on admission in hospitals and emergency departments - more than we would like.

This prompted us to ask questions:

- Why aren't solutions commonly used in industry and commercial services the standard in health care?

- Why are inefficiencies so well known, from Lean and Six Sigma methodologies, so common in every facility?

With these questions, we turned to talented and open-minded individuals in the fields of healthcare, change management and process development.
Today, together we are creating Lean Medic by taking on the mission of working for:

Each of us sooner or later becomes a patient. Queues to doctors and long waits for tests are, unfortunately, an inherent part of health care. However, these inconveniences provide an excellent opportunity for reflection and observation, which is the essence of process improvement. We all know how much time is spent on admission in hospitals and emergency departments - more than we would like. This prompted us to ask questions:
- Why aren't solutions commonly used in industry and commercial services the standard in health care?
- Why are inefficiencies so well known, from Lean and Six Sigma methodologies, so common in every
With these questions, we turned to talented and open-minded individuals in the fields of healthcare, change management and process development. Today, together we are creating Lean Medic by taking on the mission of working for:


Building a modern, efficient and patient-oriented health care system.

Building a modern, efficient and
patient-oriented health care system.



Do you want your your medical facility to run more efficiently?
Then it's a great fit! Because we've learned the ropes on improving efficiency.
Our team implements modern ways of working that give you more time and energy.
For patients, for yourself, for important things.

Do you want your your medical facility to run more efficiently? To świetnie się składa! Bo na poprawie efektywności zjedliśmy zęby. Nasz zespół zaszczepia nowoczesne metody pracy, dzięki którym masz więcej time and energy. For patients, for yourself, for important things.



Optimizing processes in
healthcare facilities.

Strengthening cooperation
between the various entities of the system.

Initiating and supporting

Finding and implementing innovative solutions
in medicine, especially in emergency medicine.

Implementation of modern technologies.

Shaping a culture
of continuous improvement

Promoting among medical
staff and other health care workers the idea of continuous improvement.

Conducting trainings and workshops on
Lean Management and Six Sigma methodologies.

Scientific publications, sharing knowledge
and good practices.


Optimizing processes in
healthcare facilities.

Strengthening cooperation between the various entities of the system.

Initiating and supporting

Finding and implementing innovative solutions
in medicine, especially in
emergency medicine.

Implementation of modern technologies.

Shaping a culture
of continuous improvement

Promoting among medical
staff and other health care workers the idea of continuous improvement.

Conducting trainings
and workshops on
Lean Management and Six Sigma methodologies.

Scientific publications, sharing knowledge
and good practices.



Active Projects

Active Projects


ED Comfort Care

Improving the effectiveness of pain management in the emergency department.

Project stage


Emergency Medical Services; ED


1. Reduction in ED queues by 15-20%.
2. Reduction in legal claims.
3. Compliance with WHO.


Funding to replicate the solution
in 2 facilities (320 kPLN).
System implementation (e.g., ministerial project).

ED Comfort Care

Improving the effectiveness of pain
management in the emergency department.

Project stage


Emergency Medical Services; ED


1. Reduction in ED queues by 15-20%.
2. Reduction in legal claims.
3. Compliance with WHO.


Funding to replicate the solution
in 2 facilities (320 kPLN).
System implementation (e.g., ministerial project).

SmartScan ED

EBM-based optimization of CT use in Hospital Emergency Departments.

Project stage


Emergency Medical Services; ED


1. Cost reduction (120 million / year).
2. Reduction in ED queues.
3. Improved Staff Comfort.


Funding to replicate the solutions developed
in 3 facilities (170 kPLN).
System implementation (e.g., ministerial project).

SmartScan ED

EBM-based optimization of CT use
in Hospital Emergency Departments.

Project stage


Emergency Medical Services; ED


1. Cost reduction (120 million / year).
2. Reduction in ED queues.
3. Improved Staff Comfort.


Funding to replicate the solutions developed
in 3 facilities (170 kPLN).
System implementation (e.g., ministerial project).

Onco Care

Effectiveness of radiation therapy utilization and patient diagnostic pathway.

Project stage


Oncology, radiotherapy


1. Increase the number of patients receiving radiation therapy.
2. Improve the experience of Patients and their families within the
oncology diagnosis and treatment process.


Need for Funding for the solution building phase (90 kPLN).
Funding of further phases - Identification of the entity
system entity to evaluate the results.

Onco Care

Effectiveness of radiation therapy utilization and patient diagnostic pathway.

Project stage


Oncology, radiotherapy


1. Increase the number of patients receiving radiation therapy.
2. Poprawa doświadczenia Pacjentów
i ich rodzin w ramach procesu diagnostyki i leczenia onkologicznego.


Need for Funding for the solution building phase (90 kPLN).
Funding of further phases - Identification of the entity
system entity to evaluate the results.

First Responder

Improving the effectiveness of pain management in the emergency department.

Project stage


Pierwsza Pomoc


The median time of providing First Aid
na poziomie < 5 min w całym kraju.

Support in the External Program

(partner program)

First Responder

Improving the effectiveness of pain management in the emergency department.

Project stage


Pierwsza Pomoc


The median time of providing First Aid
na poziomie < 5 min w całym kraju.

Support in the External Program

(partner program)



Meet our team

Meet our team


Radosław Bondarczuk
Managing Director

Systemy doskonałości operacyjnej, Projekty transformacyjne, Zarządzanie zmianą.

Grzegorz Hołody
Director of substantive affairs

Zarządzanie procesowe, Efektywne wykorzystanie systemów IT, Ciągłe doskonalenie.

Leszek Iwan
Data Science Specialist

Projektowanie i wdrażania procesów biznesowych, Budowa Systemów Pomiarowych, Analiza Danych.

Piotr Kubal
Project Office Manager

Zarządzanie projektami w dziedzinie farmacji i medycyny, Ekspertyza MS&T, Transfer technologii, doradztwo i praktyka.

Hanna Żurawska
Project Manager

Zarządzanie projektami
wg. metodyki PMI,
Zarządzanie ryzykiem,
Budowa i realizacja
planów komunikacji, metodyka zarządzania projektami PRINCE2.

Agnieszka Gmurczak
Communications Specialist

Prowadzenie angażujących kampanii, Identyfikacja wizualna, Komunikacja w Social Media.

Magdalena Wójcik
Healthcare Management Advisor in Healthcare

Zarządzanie procesem inwestycyjnym w ochronie zdrowia, Usprawnienie procesów w obsłudze pacjenta, Współpraca z podmiotami publicznymi w ochronie zdrowia.

Dr. N. Med. Jakub Nożewski
Advisor for emergency medicine

Zarządzanie i optymalizacja przepływu pacjentów w SOR, Leczenie bólu u pacjenta urazowego, TBI i indywidualizowane leczenie obrzęku płuc.


How to support us?

How to support us?


If you like our projects and would like to support our
activities – we have prepared several opportunities for cooperation.

If you like our projects and would like to support our activities – we have prepared several opportunities for cooperation.


Everyone can contribute to building effective medical care in Poland.


We encourage local government units
and medical facilities for active cooperation. Together, we are able to improve the comfort of potential patients and improve the operation of the health service.


Show your contractors that health is very important to your company. Promote your brand with us for a good cause.


Everyone can contribute to building effective medical care in Poland.


We encourage local government units and medical facilities for active cooperation. Together, we
are able to improve the comfort of potential patients and
improve the operation of the health service.


Show your contractors that health is very important to your company. Promote your brand with us for a good cause.


Let's make changes for health together!